Our team

Dr Ivan Popović

Graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade in 1987. Director of the Bar Veterinary Station since 1989. Completed specialization in small animal diseases in Belgrade in 1995. Pioneer in the development of small animal veterinary surgery in Montenegro and Yugoslavia, with the introduction of the most modern methods in surgical procedures in dogs and cats. Published a large number of scientific and professional works, participant and lecturer at numerous world, European and national veterinary congresses.

Dr Ivan Popović

Dr Milka Tošović

Graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade in 1993. Since then, he has been working at the Bar veterinary station, his special field of interest being internal diseases of small animals. Since its establishment, he has been working at the Popović Veterinary Clinic. Participant of several international veterinary congresses.

Dr Milka Tošović

Dr Zlata Ljušković

Graduated from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Belgrade in 2012. Since then, he has been working at the Popović Veterinary Clinic, with a special interest in cat diseases. Participant of several educational veterinary seminars.

Dr Zlata Ljušković

Petar Žižović

Veterinary technician, since the establishment in the Popović Veterinary Clinic.

Petar Žižović

Mileta Ćaćić

Veterinary technician, student of the Faculty of Food Safety.

Give us a call

+382 (0) 67-630-149
+382 (0) 30-313-700

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